World in Motion Blog

Welcome to our global equities blog

Our global equities blog lifts the lid on what we do and shows you how our investment engine works. From describing company visits and snapshots of the work we do, to exploring the major themes and trends shaping markets.

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21 Mai 2024

Water in crisis – searching for solutions

With too much, too little or too toxic water the world is facing a water crisis. We explore key issues and challenges before highlighting some of the companies promoting better water management.
17 April 2024

In search of sustainability – following Highway 101

Travelling down the US west coast we met 25 companies in five days. Learn more about the tech and healthcare businesses shaping our future.
22 März 2024

Japan: we’re more convinced than ever

Investors are increasingly turning their attention to Japan. We spent two weeks there and met dozens of companies. But which businesses look best placed?
29 Februar 2024

Neil Robson

Head of Global Equities

Unknown pleasures: A new era for equity investors #3

Portfolio positioning
Read time - 2 mins
28 Februar 2024

Neil Robson

Head of Global Equities

Unknown pleasures: A new era for equity investors #2

The shape of the new economy – from inflation and growth to government debt and equity valuations.
Read time - 2 mins
27 Februar 2024

Neil Robson

Head of Global Equities

Unknown pleasures: A new era for equity investors #1

How we got where we are.
Read time - 2 mins
11 Januar 2024

Jonathan Crown

Portfolio Manager

Georgina Hellyer

Portfolio Manager

Welcome back the dividend champions!

'Big Tech' received a lot of attention in 2023, but we don’t believe it’s the only sector with attractive investment ideas offering the desired capital return characteristics.
Read time - 2 mins
12 September 2023

Pauline Grange

Portfolio Manager

Things will never be the same: the potential for AI to reshape the world

We look at the potential for AI to transform society and the economic ramifications of a post-AI world
Read time - 2 mins
21 August 2023

Doing it by the book: our summer reading lists

We asked the Global Equities team what books they have been devouring this summer and, as ever, it’s an eclectic collection with something for everyone. How many have you read?
Read time - 2 mins
22 Februar 2022

Jonathan Crown

Portfolio Manager

Aiming to fully capture semiconductor growth

The chip industry is both growth and quality – which is why we like it.
Read time - 2 min
15 Juni 2021

Scott Woods

Portfolio Manager

Masten, Manufacturing und Meetings – das Universum für globale Small-Cap-Unternehmen seit Anfang 2021

Einer der vielen Vorteile von Investments in kleinere Unternehmen ist, dass man zahlreiche interessante Firmen kennenlernt, die den meisten Menschen völlig unbekannt sind.
Lesezeit - 3 min
24 Mai 2021

Die Zerstörung der Kreativen

Es ist eine einfache Gleichung: je stärker das Wirtschaftswachstum, desto größer der Werbeaufwand. Doch im Jahr 2020 war eine außergewöhnliche Entwicklung zu verzeichnen: Während der größten Rezession seit 1945 ist das Verhältnis der Werbeausgaben zum BIP der US-Wirtschaft sogar gestiegen.
Lesezeit unter - 2 min

Das Team

Alex Beavis
Global Small Cap Analyst
Alex Lee
Portfolio Manager
Ashish Kochar
Portfolio Manager, Global Equities
David Dudding
Portfolio Manager
Simon Haines
Portfolio Manager
Pauline Grange
Portfolio Manager
Georgina Hellyer
Portfolio Manager
Bronwyn Curran
Client Portfolio Analyst
Jonathan Crown
Portfolio Manager
Scott Woods
Portfolio Manager
Andrew Harvie
Client Portfolio Manager, Global Equities
Neil Robson
Head of Global Equities

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Über uns

Millionen von Menschen in aller Welt haben Columbia Threadneedle Investments ihr Anlagevermögen anvertraut. Wir betreuen Gelder für private Investoren, Finanzberater, Vermögensverwalter und Versicherungsgesellschaften, Pensionsfonds und andere Institutionen.


Columbia Threadneedle Investments bietet eine umfangreiche Palette von Investmentfonds an, die eine Vielzahl von Anlagezielen abdeckt.


Wir bieten eine breite Palette aktiv verwalteter Anlagestrategien und -lösungen, die globale, regionale und lokale Märkte und Anlageklassen abdecken.